Below is a list of helpful websites, articles, and videos for those looking to expand their knowledge or reference base about Peak oil, climate change, or general collapse. I am aware that this is not a complete list- compiling such a thing might well be impossible- but here are some good starting materials that I have personally watched/ read and feel are useful and informative.
There's an abolutely brilliant in-a-nutshell post about the problems we face and the likely outcomes over at Our Finite World. It will take you about 5 minutes or less to read, and will leave your mind whirling.
It's called "Getting Started" - Go ahead, read it.....I dare ya!
Facing up to Climate Change
Most, if not all of Clive Hamilton's speeches are exceptional, but this one's a good starting point. It's pretty epic, and kind of feels like a kick in the pants. None of this hokey "Lets all buy energystar appliances and recycle and we'll be fine, just do your part!" garbage. He's a realist, and I cannot reccomend his videos highly enough.
Richard Heinberg: Peak Oil and the Globe's Limitations
This is a great sort of basic introduction to what peak oil is and what it means for our civilization."Richard Heinberg, senior fellow with the Post Carbon Institute and the author of The Party's Over, Peak Everything and, most recently, Blackout, discusses the phenomenon of peak oil and how it will affect life on this planet."
The rest of the videos in the same series are also excellent, and are available here
The Crash Course:
"The Crash Course seeks to provide you with a baseline understanding of the economy so that you can better appreciate the risks that we all face."It's a not very impressive sounding intro for an amazing series of videos that I think are very important and insightful. A large percentage of the information is about the history, politics, and ramifications of our financial system and it's flaws- but there's a nice big chunk devoted to how climate change and peak everything intermingle with world finances and what this means for global economics and the world financial market.